That's right my dear blog peeps. It's that time of the week where I list five things for which I am thankful. They can be silly or serious, big or small because God honors them all. I am once again joining our February host, Iris @ Grace Alone. Your are welcome to join in and link up. You know how it's done.
1. I'm so thankful for my wonderful husband. He is such a blessing and has the funniest warped sense of humor. It is never dull at my house.
2. I'm so thankful for the great workouts this past week. I'm working diligently on strength and endurance for a couple long motorcycle rides this summer. Plus, I lost two pounds in the process. Maybe I won't have to buy new dress slacks after all. lol
3. I'm thankful for the long weekend. Even tho I don't actually have a holiday on Monday, I'm taking the day off to be with the hubby and, hopefully, the grand-boy. The grand-boy does not have school.
4. I'm thankful for girlfriends. Close friends. New friends. Old friends. There have been many friends through different seasons of my life. We have laughed. We have cried. We have planned. We have traveled. We have prayed. Each one has blessed me. Each one has taught me. Thank you.
5. I'm thankful for love. The unconditional love God has for me. He accepts me no matter what. He knows my heart. He never waivers from His love. Praise Him! He loves me so much He sent His only Son to die for me.
What are you thankful for today, This Day?
Peace and Joy,
Hi. I have just discovered your blog and have really enjoyed it. And I see you like motorcycles. Do you ever watch American Chopper? I live in the UK but my hubby and I visited the US two years ago and went to see American Chopper.
We have a great time in your country and hope to come back again soon.
Have a blessed week.
A beautiful list, as usual. I have been so thankful for my friends (both in real life and my cyberfriends) this week as I've been through a rough patch. It's times like that when you know what a blessing each one can be!
Have a great day!
You have a very nice list...enjoy the day off Monday. My husband is off too and we're thinking of a day trip...just depends on the weather I suppose. We're digging out from a blizzard but it is beautiful clear and sunny today.
Such a nice thankful post.
I loved finding your beautiful blog! Your sweet heart is very evident!
As the other Susan said, "lovely as usual".
I love the first part the most -- they can be little or small, big or serious, because God honors them all. =)
Your being thankful for working out encourages me to do the same! Thanks for sharing! ~
Be blessed and continue to be a blessing to others.
Great list! Thank you for sharing, and thank you for your comments to me.
Have a great long weekend!
Susan, I'm a day late in visiting your thankful Thursday post but I loved your list. I especially love how you wrote about the uncondtional love God has for you. What greater gift could we ever need?
I love that you ride a motorcycle! I'm sure you have lots of fun. Just wear a helmet girl. I used to work in ICU and we had too many head injuries from accidents. This is the nurse in me speaking. But you have a great time. My brother loves his Harley!
I am thankful that I got your package in the mail today. All of the cute Valentine stuff was so fun to unpack. The chocolate hearts are already gone, by the way. LOL
I am looking forward to reading the book too. Love languages are very interesting to me. I definitely could use a refresher course. :)
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