It's Thankful Thursday!!! This is the day each week that I pause, reflect, and list five things for which I am thankful. They can be silly or serious, big or small because God honors them all. Let's get started:
1. I'm thankful for my wonderful husband. He has such a compassionate heart and love for God. He truly tries to see the best in everyone.
2. I'm thankful for the continued cold weather. Wait. What??? Have I lost my noodle? No. Actually, the longer it stays cold, the fewer bugs there will be this summer. Well. At least that is the theory. So I'm good with it staying cold a little longer if that means not so many creepy crawlies. I'm just not a huge fan of bugs. Besides that, they are gross to clean off the motorcycle. ahahaha
3. I'm thankful for Lent. Even though I'm not Catholic, I still believe this is a season to dig into God's word and reflect on the sacrifices Jesus made for me....and you. How can I show or tell others how they can connect with God? Experience God? Have a relationship with God? I'll be posting some things anyone can do for Lent (or anytime for that matter).
4. I'm thankful that peoples' hearts seem to be more soft and receptive to God's calling during this holy season.
5. I am thankful God chose me.....loves me.....teaches me.....helps me......heals me.
What are you thankful for today, This Day? Please leave me a comment. I am once again joining our February host, Iris @ Grace Alone. Your are welcome to join in and link up. You know how it's done.
Peace and Joy,
Stopping by to wish you a blessed day Susan. I enjoyed the list you shared with us today.
Susan, I love your thankful list. This season of Lent is a time to really remember the price that Jesus paid for us because of love. You're too funny about the cold and the bugs. :)
You know, we have had a mild winter and so I have been concerned about the bugs! I know there is one type that damages the lawn and so I am anticipating having to take care of that. :)
Happy Thursday Susan. God loves you and me and everyone... You have a sweet heart for God.
What a great list of weekly blessings. I too, am noticing how people are just a little bit more kinder and smile more this week. Hopefully its the start of something good!
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
We have had the most snow in years this winter. If that is true about less buggies, then I'm very excited! Thanks for sharing today. Isn't it an amazing thing to be chosen and loved by God?? Blessings
I just love your thankfulness list today! I too am thankful for #5 - oh, what an awesome and mighty healer we serve!
I enjoyed your post. I have not heard that before about bugs...interesting. Have a wonderful day. Blessings, Debbie
Ditto with you on #s 3, 4 and 5!!! Bugs are a way of life where I live, lol. Sharing mine with you here.
Sweet, sweet blessings.
Love your list Susan!
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