1. Have you ever fired a gun or shot a bow and arrow? But of course. My dad hunted pheasant and felt it was important for us to learn how to handle a gun properly. We attended a gun handling class when I was twelve. I'm not fond of shotguns, but enjoy shooting a rifle or pistol. Yep. Just call me Annie Oakley! lol
2. Do you know where your childhood best friends are? Not before 7th grade.
3. Do you usually arrive early, late, or on time? I'm an early girl.
4. Are you more of a New York or California type? Fashion wise...NY; fun wise...CA! lol I love the sun, water, and mountains.
5. Do you have a special ring tone? Oh yes. You can read about it here.
6. What is your favorite type of chip? What type of chip do you mean? potato? poker? memory? buffalo? lol
7. Best comedy you've ever seen is .... The short clip I was in. Yep. There's a story behind this one. I was standing on a pile of lumber, minding my own business. My X (who was driving a forklift not minding his own business) thought it would be funny to knock me off the pile of lumber. He skimmed the tire of the forklift against the pile of lumber. Instead of nudging the pile and knocking me down, the boards I was standing on caught on the tire which sent me sailing about 10 feet in the air. Laughing hysterically, he came to see that I was ok. I was, but I was hotter than a hornet. Funny? You decide. Note: If you laughed, you thought it was funny.
8. Have you ever cut your own hair? To quote Dr. Phil, "How'd that work for ya?" My bangs, but my hairdresser always always reprimands me for doing so. I'm guessin that means it's not workin for me.
9. If you were going to have an extreme makeover, would you rather it be about your house or your personal self? My house. More people will enjoy it....and it will last longer.
10. Are you allergic to anything? Yep. Sulfa. Makes me itch horribly and break out in hives.
11. Why is it so hard to change? Cause I'm comfortable with how things are now. Thank you very much.
12. One last question dedicated to February love: CS Lewis said, "To love is to be vulnerable." Please share one example of that assertion or share any thought you'd like to about this topic.Giving love or receiving love is an act of trust. I have trust issues. I've even been writing about it on my Throne Trip Tuesdays posts.You can click here for the most recent post.
Thanks to Lid for this fun meme. If you'd like to join in and post your own set of answers to these random questions, just hop on over to 2nd Cup of Coffee and follow the instructions.
Peace and Joy,
I like your new background : )
I'm enjoying your thoughts on trust...you are so right when you say love and trust go hand in hand.
I automatically thought of potato chips, but have since seen others thinking chocolate. But how can a woman not think about chocolate?
No wonder he's your EX! Shame on him! Totally hear you about the trust. It's hard when you've been let down...I love that God doesn't let us down, but hate that I expect Him to because other people have mistreated my heart!
I laughed hysterically! I would SO love to see that video clip! Have you sent it IN to America's Funniest?
Love and trust DO indeed go hand in hand...
Yeah, me too. Love the background.
"Buffalo chips" hehe...
From your answers we are a lot alike :)
And who knew, I'm alergic to Sulfa too!!!!! I've never heard of another person that was :)
Great list Susan. I'm taking a break this week from blogging. I get back to it next week.
Your answers are always so creative. Love the chip answer! Since it is so vague I guess all of the ones you listed are perfect.
I would have been livid about the clip of you on the lumber. I didn't think it was funny and wondered how hurt you were!
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
I'm thinking that X was lucky he didn't kill you! Oh my!
My stylist told me I can stop by any time between cuts and she'll trim my bangs free -- so I guess her attitude is the same as your stylist's! LOL!
Buffalo Chip! Have you ever been to "The Chip" in Sturgis, SD?
Love your new look Susan!
I always like learning a few new things about you in the meme too. :)
Hunting pheasant...how cool!
how to handle a gun...smart Dad :)
your Dad and my Dad seem alike
good answers: Fashion wise...NY; fun wise...CA!
no buffalo for me, plez! lol
Thank goodness we can eagerly go to His Throne knowing He is our loving God :)
I like your new background. I came here to see how you answered # 12, Jenny
Ouch!! Sorry about your ex..and I agree--there's probably a good reason he's your ex!
I enjoyed your answers and would love to see your video.
Enjoyed your answers. hmmm I am also allergic to sulfa, not sure what it does, but that is what my mom always said and has always been in medical records. Love getting to know everyone thru Random Dozen.
until next time... nel
#7 Didn't laugh; why would he even begin to think that would be funny? Some men!
#10 Me too. And do you know how many medications have it?!
Well Annie Oakley, maybe you need to give the rest of us some lessons! :-)
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