Time to share a bit about myself by linking up with Linda over at 2nd Cup of Coffee for Random Dozen. I really love participating in this meme. The questions are fun (although sometimes the answers can be tough) and it's great to read how others think about the same things.
This week we have "South Lakes Mom" from "I Didn't Know THAT!" hosting our Random Dozen!
Click here to join us!!
The theme is Spring . . . and any other random questions that crept in.
1. What is your favorite sign of Spring? Seriously? You too. Another one of those questions that sends my poor little brain scurrying off in so many directions at the same time that it almost causes a melt down. The short list.....warm, fresh air, flowers, birds singing, sunshine, motorcycle rides, dresses. I think I've said this before. lol
2. Did you remember to spring forward on March 14? If not, how did it impact your day? Nope. Totally missed church.
3. If soil, time, talent and climate were no problem, what vegetable would you plant in a garden this year? Tomatoes and peppers.
4. If soil, time, talent and climate were no problem, what fruit would you plant? Kiwi.
5. What is your least favorite insect? You are assuming that I have a favorite insect. Which I do not. lol
6. March 22 was World Water Day. To celebrate, here are some water questions. Do you drink bottled water? If so, what brand? Sometimes. I generally use a refillable.
7. Have you ever been somewhere that it was not safe to drink the local water? If so, how did you handle that? Yes. But wasn't there long enough for it to matter.
8. How many glasses of water do you drink per day? I'm always drinking water. Seriously. I'm sure I consume a gallon or more a day.
9. March 24 is the birthday of Harry Houdini. Have you ever watched a professional magic show? Share. Nope....but there's still time.
10. Have you ever been a participant in a professional magic show (up on stage!)? Nope....but there's still time. lol
11. March 24 is also the birthday of Steve McQueen and Clyde Barrow. Do you like Westerns or gangster movies? If so, what is your favorite? I love a good western.
12. (Really random) What U.S. state that you've never visited would you like to visit someday? Somewhere in the NE. Maine, New Hampshire, or Vermont.
Peace and Joy,
Love your answer to #4; wish I had thought of that!
We drove down the coast of Maine last September. Stunning. Bar Harbor is gorgeous. The coastline is rugged and just beautiful.
Enjoy your day!
I love LOVE Kiwi too...
Cool answers!
Happy Wednesday!
Random Dozen
Spring Giveaways
My Grandnephew Dreams in Haiku
Joyful Signs
I totally agree with #5. And I may have to add your choices to my answer for #12.
Ooh yes! I love home grown tomatoes!
Thanks for sharing a little bit of yourself today. God bless you!
Great list Susan. =-)
great answers thanks for the smiles :-)
Great answers!
Love your training widget. :)
Yeah, what kind of question was #5?!
Wow - I'd be in the BR all day if I drank a gallon or more of water!
Thank you for playing! I think God sometimes views our "rest" as worship, but I'm not sure where it falls if we have forgotten to set the clocks ahead...although I don't think that was his idea anyway!
Great answers, Susan!
Oh I would love to go to Maine, New Hampshire or Vermont some day as well! Nice picks!
I hardly ever drink water. and, I would love to go to Hawaii or Maine someday. The two states that I think are the farthest away from each other. :)
Enjoyed my first stop by your blog. Reading everyone's answers is always so fun and interesting. What a cute blog design too! Blessings to you!
Tomatoes & Peppers.
Do you make Salsa?
My daughter makes out-of-this-world homemade Salsa. LOVE THAT STUFF!
I like how we both answered #12 with a region, rather than a state :-)
Spring was my favorite season in the U.S. In southern Michigan Spring generally lasted for a couple of months and it was like slowly opening a gift :-)
My daughter told me last week was absolutely gorgeous in northern Indiana. Haven't talked to her yet this week. I know she was quite happy to miss the worst of the winter weather though :-) She was here from mid-December until Feb. 10th. So she gets to go through summer twice this year!
I think I would like to try this next week. Your answers are so fun.
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