Because Linda loves chickens, this week's Random has a couple of chicken-dedicated questions. Other than that ... complete randomness. Because that's the name of the game.
1. How do you feel about the marshmallow Easter Peeps? I love the sweet little sugary treats. But these guys? They have no mercy. Go here to see the Peep Research. Note: not for the weak. lol
2. Chickens are notoriously nervous creatures. When you are nervous, what is the best way to calm down? Music.....or a good glass of wine....or both. :)
3. People say, "April showers bring May flowers." Do you enjoy Spring rains? Not always.
4. When I was randomly flipping through TV channels this week, I saw a show in which tattoo parlor employees received tattoos of a co-worker's face on their bodies. I can't imagine having a portrait of a colleague tattooed on me. But if someone forced you to receive a portrait tattoo (face only) of anyone, who would it be? Why? A non-descript face with the words "John 3:16" written under it so when someone asked me who the tattoo represents, I could answer, "you." Because that's who Jesus died for.....you. It would be a great witnessing tool.
5. Would you rather have a tattoo (any kind) or a nose ring? A nose stud. At least it can easily be removed.
6. Do you have any special plans for Easter? After church, we're going to our fav restaurant that serves fried chicken and all the fixins....family style. Come join us.
7. Cadbury Eggs or Reese Eggs? Cadbury.
8. What was the last thing/person you took a picture of? Murdered peeps. lol. My buddy had them lined up on his desk and murdered them in all manner of styles.
9. What book are you reading now, or what was the last one? The Bible. It's the only book I have time for right now with all the school work.
10. What do you think is the most difficult task when it comes to Spring cleaning? Windows. Definitely windows.
11. How many pairs of flip-flops do you own? I have so many I can't even tell you. Yes, I probably need therapy. lol.
12. Which color makes you happiest? It's a toss up at the moment....sky blue or sun yellow.
Thanks for stopping by today. Want to join in on the fun? Just hop on over to Lid's at 2nd Cup of Coffee.
Peace and Joy,
Are you sure you're not a Southern Girl: fried chicken after church...YUM!
Okay the peep research and the peep murders were very funny in a slightly disturbing way. Have a great Easter!
Excellent title! Love it : )
Someone left me a comment with a link to a youtube video of peeps in a microwave...she tells me it is also disturbing. Who knew there was a whole peeps underworld out there?
Have a wonderful Easter!
have a great Easter..Murdered peeps how funny
I love your answer to number 4. What a great idea, not that I'm getting a tattoo but just sayin. Have a wonderful Easter!
Too funny, great post. Have a wonderful Easter!!
Love Angel
What a great list Susan. I like the tatoo idea and your buddy murdering the peeps. Go friend! LOL
Oh, I can't remember the last time I had fried chicken! Yummmmm! Wish I could be there!
Happy Easter! He is Risen Indeed!
I do not like the marshmallowy sugar peeps at all. I never have. And now I am so glad. LOL Just pass the chocolate my way! :)
If it makes you feel better, I feel the same about my flip flops...in fact, I'm wearing some right now...
A tattoo of someones face? Maybe on my heel.
The Peeps site cracked me up. Thanks for the fun.
Ditto on #10.
I am terrible at cleaning windows and mirrors, regardless of what I use or how hard I try I ALWAYS streak them up...Enjoy that fried chicken, GF. Have a blessed Easter!
Thoroughly enjoyed stopping by today and am so glad that someone else loves flip flops as much as I do. And, love that you are a "Harley" girl! How fun! Blessings to you this Easter as we celebrate our resurrected Lord.
Great answers, wonderful tattoo idea!!
Where's the pic of the peeps? Ha!! Cute answers. I may need to sneak a few flip flops from you! hehe ;)
Where's the pic of the peeps? Ha! Cute answers! I may have to borrow a few flip flops! hehe! ;)
I love peeps... though I admit I love those sites that do hilarious things with them!
I seriously can't believe they really do those horrible things to Peeps I mean seriously what did Peeps do to anyone????
I will be joining you in thought this Sunday so have an extra piece of chicken for me until we can meet in real life one day.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
How about the combination of sky blue and sunny yellow? One of my favs! :-)
I'd love to join you at that restaurant that serves fried chicken and all the fixins! I haven't had fried chicken in almost two years!!! That's one southern food my mama didn't teach me to make and I haven't found a really good recipe that works for me.
Hadn't considered that a nose ring was easier to remove. Great idea for #4!
Have a glorious Easter!
What a great post! We will have to meet in flip flop therapy :) I need it as well!
Have a blessed Easter
You ever use old newspapers to clean your windows? cheap and very effective indeed.
A glass of wine is great!
Happy Easter to you!
Mine is here
Enjoyed this.
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