Whelp. Here it is.....another Thankful Thursday and the second one of 20 10. This is the day each week that I join Sonya at Truth 4 the Journey to list five things that I'm thankful for. They can be serious or silly, big or small because God honors them all.
1. I'm thankful for my wonderful husband. He's "bumping" for better days off at work. What does that mean for us? It means he'll be off on Sunday and Monday instead of two weekdays. That means more Sunday church together. It means Sunday rides on our scooters together (but on separate bikes). lol It means we won't have to take a vacation day or sick day to spend time together. Wooooohooooo. It's pretty dadgum exciting. ;)
2. I'm thankful that today it's supposed to get back up to average temperatures of the mid-40s. I'm stinkin tired of being cold.
3. I'm thankful for the awesome ideas I located for my internship project after some extensive research.
4. I'm thankful the airlines recently lowered their fares. That's right! I've been planning a trip to Charlotte in May to watch my cousin graduate. She graduates the week after I graduate and we're celebrating. Anywhoo, a couple weeks ago the flight cost about $400. Can you say.....OUCH!?? But just the other day, I purchased the same ticket for $215!!!! SCORE!!!
5. I'm thankful for the bonus day yesterday. It was a bonus because my dear hubby and I got to spend a random day together. It was fabulous.
What are you thankful for today, This Day? Please leave me a comment and be sure to hop over to Sonya's to link up with your own list.
Peace and Joy,
Great list!
I love it when I get cheap airline tickets. I need to start looking so that I can go to SLC and see my two sisters some time this spring.
Have a great day :)
Love it! I also posted about airline tickets for my Thankful Thursday!! It feels so good to get cheap airline tickets. :)
Hooray for cheaper tickets!! YEA!!!
That is great about your husband's schedule and cheaper airline tickets! whoo hoo!
Praising God right along side you for your hubby getting at least one day off on the weekend and it was a Sunday! WOO HOO! Thank you God!
Beware of the baggage fees with your airlines, as some are charging $25.00 for the first bag and $50.00 for the second. Which could add up to $175.00 per person round trip.
Just wanted you to be aware.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Susan, great list! It's always great to spend spontaneous time with a loved one.
Come visit SoCal. The hi today is 69°
It has been in the low 80s for the last 2 weeks. You know what I'm thankful for? CALIFORNIA SUNSHINE.
Great list, Susan. I'm happy for all the time you and your husband can and do spend together.
You sound like you are doing the "Jubilant Dance"!! Awesome list!
Jesus is so wonderful to us!
Doing the dance with you!!
This was a fabulous list! I'm so excited for the both of you - Sunday's together. That's way cool! And your air fare ticket price was really a fun purchase. Be blessed and have fun with the "warmer" temps.
What wonderful blessings! Saving money is always appreciated and spending time with loved ones is a gem too.
Hugs and blessings,
I'm with you on the cold! Though it's suppose to be 40 today but the humidity is making it seem like 10.
Umm, what in the world are you doing on the computer at 6 AM!? I don't even want to know! 6 am, I am barely getting my first cup of tea done and prayers.
It feels so good to get cheap airline tickets.
Work from home India
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