1. How good are you at delaying gratification? Not!
2. Maybe a marshmallow wouldn't be too difficult a temptation for you. What food (or anything else) would be most tempting? It depends on what I'm craving at the time. Usually, chocolate.
3. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being saintly) how patient are you? hahahaha that's a good one. Did you read #1?
4. Have you ever waited for something in life only to be disappointed upon realization of the goal/object/etc.? Who hasn't?
5. Are you a person who takes shortcuts? Absolutely! If there's an easier, faster way to do something, I'm all about it.
6. Which line is hardest to wait in? At the amusement park to get on ride.
7. Did you wait to discover the gender of your unborn child until its birth? Yep!
8. Are you more patient with children or the elderly? I'm good with both, really.(Wait a minute. Does that mean I have to go back and change my answer to #1 and #3?)
9. Did you ever sneak a peek at a present? Yep...twice. Once as a youth, once as an adult.
10. What is the longest you've ever waited for anything? I waited my whole life for my wonderful husband!
11. Who has more patience, you or your significant other? He has me beat, hands down.
12. Which of the following songs about waiting is your pick for the best? (OK, you may substitute another, if you like.)
A) Anticipation by Carly Simon
B) The Waiting by Tom Petty
C) Right Here Waiting for You by Richard Marx
D) Wait for Me by Rebecca St. James
Let's see a show of hands.....who, besides me, had to go to youtube to play at least one of these songs cause you didn't know all of them? Surely, I'm not the only one!!! I can see a little of me in each of them. Depending on the circumstance.
If you'd like to participate with your own answers, just hop on over to Lid's. Thanks for stopping by today.
Peace and Joy,
I only knew two of those songs. I went out on my own today with a non RD post. :)
Your blog background is so pretty : )
Loved your answer to #10...that was sweet!
I had to You Tube the last 3 - but then I was familiar with all but the last one. I honestly wouldn't choose ANY of them though -- but for the sake of the question... I couldn't THINK of another one.
Bless you for being good with the elderly! Wanna come to my house? Every day?
#1 Me neither (and I'm glad someone else can admit it, either that, or there are some very disciplined self-controlled people in random dozen land).
#5 Me too!
#12 I couldn't remember the Carly Simon one but once I heard it I remembered it. The rest I knew.
Great scripture refraince, I think you were more honest.
So glad I wasn't the only one surfing youtube. I knew 3 of them--not a clue on the other!!
Happy Wednesday!
LOL. I would have had to youtube the last 3 songs but didn't have time. What would we do without youtube?
I also had to go to youtube to listen to them, and then picked my own. lol Enjoyed your answers!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am so glad I joing up with Random Dozen, this has been fun getting to know other people.
until next time... nel
Chocolate seems to be a running theme today.
Love your honesty! I never thought about Amusement Park lines, but I agree.
I didn't youtube, but only knew one of the songs. Like Greg, just went out on my own on that one.
Have a great week!
Chocolate seems to be a running theme today.
Love your honesty! I never thought about Amusement Park lines, but I agree.
I didn't youtube, but only knew one of the songs. Like Greg, just went out on my own on that one.
Have a great week!
Great post Susan. I'm joining in today. =)
I LOVE LOVE the scripture. It was my dear friend's favorite verse - he was an F-15 pilot (that plane is an Eagle), and when he died I just imagined those wings like eagles lifting him up to God!
I had to post quick this morning and then leave for several hours...so thanks for being worth the WAIT!
Fun answers. Yep, I had to YouTube all but Anticipation!
#12: I had to google all but one of them. Seriously.
ahahaha your answer to #3 and 8 cracked me up...I had to go to youtube too :)
I always love to see your answers on these. And for me, I would peek at any present that I thought was mine if I had the chance. LOL
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