I am joining Linda at 2nd cup for Random Dozen today. So glad she kept this up for 2010. I love learning more about everyone through her questions! Enjoy!
1. When was the last time you craved a food--what was it, and did you cave? sweet n spicy sweet potatoes. I bought the sweet potatoes but haven't made this yet. Thanks for reminding me. I'll be on that this week. :)
2. M & M's or Skittles? M & Ms ..... except for those chocolate Skittles. Have you tried them? Oh my!
3. Have you ever read the Bible completely through?Yes. Once after two failed attempts. Remember, success comes to those who fail, but success never comes to those who quit.
4. How long does it take you to really wake up in the morning? Long enough for my brain to kick in and say, "Hey! Get Up!
5. Have you ever been on a cruise? Not yet, but there's still time. If not, would you like to? See first part of this question. :)
6. Who is your favorite actress? Can't say that I really have a favorite actress.
7. ______ is something that I will just never understand. Rap music. But I think that's an oxymoron.
8. How much of a technology junkie are you? Moderate. If I have to replace something I want the latest and greatest. Otherwise, I'm good with what's working for me.
9. Do you enjoy selecting greeting cards for people, or is it more of a cultural "have to" for you? I enjoy it. Have you read some of those cards? Hysterical.
10. When was the last time you got a new style/haircut? A little over three years ago. It looked like this:
Oh look.....he shaved his head too. Isn't he the sweetest guy ever?!
12. What's the last thing you think of before you leave the house? Do I have my keys?
And if you have time.....H-Mama is having a give away over at her spot: Family Team. Be sure to stop over and see her fabulous idea for "dinner discussions."
Peace and Joy,
Great answers, Susan!
Just popped in from 2nd cup...your hairdo picture made me smile.
And chocolate skittles, seriously? Who would have ever thought...?
Oh, and "Rap music = oxymoron"
I couldn't agree more.
Have a splendid day!
LOL! My musical tastes are so diverse that I've always said I'll listen to anything but Gregorian Chants! But these days I've found some of them I like too... I really DON'T like RAP - but I have to admit there are some Christian Rappers who are "tolerable"!
Your Hubby is the BEST! And I think I've said that before! I love that picture - it is sooooo cute!
Susan, how fun! I need to check out this meme. I loved learning more about you. :)
You always come up with fun and clever answers Susan!
Awesome verse from the Bible.
Chocolate Skittles?! I'll have to look for that.
#7 made me laugh, and #10 is precious!
I've never heard of a chocolate skittle...must investigate : )
Also...what are sweet n' spicy sweet potatoes...never heard of that either but it definitely sounds like something I would love.
I, too, have never heard of chocolate skittles?? Sweet n' spicy sweet potatoes sound yummy. What's your secret recipe? ;)
I love this pic... worth a thousand words.
OOOH! M&M's for me too. Have you ever had the peanut butter M&M's? They are so delicious. I can only find them in one place and that is at the local candy store on the square in our hometown. And, you have to buy them by the pound. so, of course, I always have to buy a pound. LOL
oh my chocolate skittles? love it...
love your pic too!
Sweet and Spicy sweet potatoes sound awesome. I love sweet potatoes.
I have never heard of chocolate skittles. It will probably take awhile for it to make it's way to Canada.
I love reading these each week. So many surprises even though the questions are the same to those that are doing this. You just learn so much, chocolate skittles? Never heard of them but have to check that out.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
I think I've said that before! I love that picture
Work from home India
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