Sunday, January 2, 2011

Polar Bear Run 1/1/11

That's right. A polar bear run. On motorcycles. In 30 degree weather. While sleeting at times. Which just seems crazy. Yesterday it was in the 60s. There were severe thunderstorm warnings. Tornadoes nearby.Today is was cold.

God doesn't ask us to do the ordinary. He does the extraordinary while using ordinary people. That's how I felt today. The weather was extraordinary. Cold. Normally, I would not ride my Harley under such conditions. I'm a fair weather rider. I like it warm. But joining this group, wearing our Christian Motorcyclists Association colors let these people see that Christians are not sissys. We are tough. We enjoy the same things they enjoy. We just have a different motivation. A different set of standards we live by.

Today was the first of many days yet to come where God was brought glory and honor by the actions of the ordinary.

May others see the extraordinary of God in the ordinary of you today, This Day.

Peace and Joy,

2 Corinthians 5:17 (NKJV) Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.


Ellen aka Ellie said...

Christians aren't sissies. I love that!

Lori said...

y'all are crazy! but I love it! What a wonderful start to a New Year!

KrippledWarrior said...

Some Christians are sissies (me). On a serious note, the concept of "Keep your head warm, and the rest of your body stays warm" counts double on Motorbikes. AMAZON stocks an item made by TURTLE FUR that works great, and fits under your helmet. They make several models but here's a link to a sample
