Welcome to Thankful Thursday. This is the time each week that I join Sonya at Truth 4 the Journey to pause and list five things for which I am thankful. They can be silly or serious, big or small because God honors them all. Want to join in? Just post five blessings, grab the T.T. button and paste it into your post, then hop on over to Sonya's and link up. It's that easy. WOW.....that was easy! lol
Anyhoo.....the five things I'm thankful for this week:
1. My wonderful husband. His presence quickens my heart. (yes, Greg, at your suggestion my wonderful husband is automatically at the #1 spot hahaha).
2. Searching for a house. Even though we have not secured the purchase of a house, I am so thankful to financially be able to buy one when it's found.
3. Hair! Wait.....what???? That's right. I'm thankful for my hair. I can color it, cut it, style it, let it grow out. It's a very flexible expression of individuality. There are too many women undergoing chemo who have lost their hair to the toxic drugs used to fight the disease. It's such a wonderful feeling when it grows back. It means you're healthy again. God bless them with strength as they endure hair loss.
4. Weekends with family and friends. I've been to Nashville, St. Louis, and this weekend I'm headed to Memphis. segway to #5
5. Today is my Friday! I'm headed to Memphis tomorrow to spend time with a dear friend I don't get to visit with often.
That's my Thankful Thursday Five! What are you thankful for today, This Day? Please leave me a comment here or stop on over to Sonya's and link up to the fun.
Peace and Joy,
Colossians 2:9-10 (NIV) 9For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, 10and you have been given fullness in Christ, who is the head over every power and authority.
Thank You God for speaking blessing over Susan today. Grant her safe travel as she visits with her friend in Memphis.
Blessings ~ Lisa
I think I've shared with you that I LOVE Tennessee!!! Have a great time while you're there. Love your #3. My best girlfriend's mom and baby sister have both in the last year been named breast cancer survivors. It's wonder to see their short, beautiful hair!!
Have a safe and blessed trip!
I always enjoy your list and you have a contagious zest for life!
Have fun on your trip. I wish I could go away for a while. Hmmm maybe I will...lol
Have a wonderful visit and share some pictures with us.
Enjoy your time away and what a blessing you are with your Thankful Thursday list!
Hey Susan,
I hopped over here from Tiffany's. After seeing your beautiful name, I knew I could not go wrong...
Yes, I'm a Susan too!!!
Enjoyed your Thankful list.
Have a blessed day♥
Your thankfulness for hair reminded me of a couple I've been praying for since I read about them on my friend's blog. Steve and Bonnie are a lovely Christian couple from Michigan. Bonnie was diagnosed with leukemia in mid May and Steve was right by her side, caring for her. He started a blog to keep friends and family updated on what's happening (http://theopper5.blogspot.com/). Then he was diagnosed with a non-Hodgkins form of cancer in June. In a moment of levity he joked that since they're both undergoing chemo, they'd be bald together.
A lovely, sincere post! And I love your new blog design (I am way behind catching up on all my blogs)..it's so fresh and so YOU!! :)
Great list! Have fun on your trip and be safe. Blessings.
I am thankful I found your blog. I have added myself to your follow list. Have a blessed trip.
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