Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Beetle and The Ant

During Project 365, there have been a couple weeks where I lagged behind and had to post two week's worth of photos at one time, yet I have been faithful capturing a photo each day this year. There have been a lot of photos that did not make the cut. It's been rewarding learning how my camera works and reviewing the year's events.

Here's one photo I took this past week that I couldn't res
ist. See this little ant? He is hauling a huge beetle that will surely provide a tasty meal for him and his family. He is moving along at a pretty good clip for his size and his load limit. It's impressive at the strength and diligence of this little guy. Clearly, the beetle outweighs the ant. Yet the ant is not deterred by this fact.

Like the ant, we are given tasks to perform. Some tasks are easy enough while others seem more like the beetle to the ant: huge and overwhelming. When we try to accomplish things in our own strength, they can be overwhelming. But when we turn our tasks or burdens over to Jesus, they are easier to endure.

What have you been asked to do? Do you have a task that you've been trying to do in your own strength? Turn it over today, This Day, to Jesus.

Peace and Joy,

1 Peter 5:7 (NKJV) casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.


Unknown said...

that is one stronnnng ant! i guess when you are REALLY determined, you can accomplish anything! :)

gigi said...

What a great analogy with your picture and story.

With out the Lord's help I couldn't even make it thru the day. Thanks for this sweet message.

Kim said...

This is how I feel about Spanish :-)

riTa Koch said...

Thank you! I can relate to the ant-role & beetle-size assignments!
God is faithful, even when we are not.

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Susan, I see that you are a fellow Aqua Poppy fan! I have seen ants do stuff like this before, and I'm both impressed and mortified. I imagine them carrying ME off like that.

Tea with Tiffany said...

amen. I see life in word pictures. Enjoyed this one.