My sweet blog peep, Kim @ Just a Southern Girl presented me with this wonderful award because not only do I visit her often, I comment on her happenings. She and her hubby are missionaries in Argentina and have some of the most interesting adventures. She's very creative with the resources God has provided and I am blessed by their faithfulness and obedience. Be sure to stop by her spot and say "hey."

Kim and I are both participating in Project 365 where we are taking a photo each day of 2009. Since we are on the opposite sides of the equator, we are in opposite seasons. It's fascinating to watch the change in our seasons, food, and clothing. Be sure to stop by both of our Project 365s. My photo blog is Shutter Clicks and you see the most recent pictures there.
If you've been following my posts this spring, you know I'm participating in a health challenge sponsored by Linda @ 2nd Cup of Coffee. This latest phase is the ole switcheroo. My switch has been more in my diet than my exercise pattern. Don't get me wrong, I'm still training 30 minutes a day. Some days I walk, some days I work out with my personal trainer on FitTV, and some days I ride my bicycle. It depends on my schedule and the weather. Oh yeah....I'm still drinking all that water too. Find out about this challenge and what the other Challengettes are doing by clicking here.
Seems like I'm participating in a lot of things these days.....doesn't it to you? Do you get that way? You have so many "want to do" plus your "need to do" that your time slips away and you're faced with "what should I do?" I think God calls us to be good stewards with all of our resources.....time, $$$, and body. We can easily get out of balance. That's when we need to stop, look, and listen to what God would have us do.
Do you need to self-edit what you are doing to be in balance and demonstrate good stewardship? Stop, look, and listen today, This Day, to God's calling. I guarantee He will align your "want to do" with your "need to do."
Peace and Joy
I love your new background - it's very summery!
Best wishes with summer semester and all the other projects you have going on.
Summer is a great time to enjoy so much.
love the new look! very happy colors! hehe! i'll definitely check out your photo blog! :)
I simplified last year but somehow I have a full plate again. I guess it is just my nature but I do need to rethink all the things I am doing.
Love you spring background! So cheerful and bright.
Leaving soon on a little vacation and it is much needed. Hope you are successful in all your summer activities :)
Great new look! Yes, it does scream summer craziness and fun :-)
I took a peek this morning and my roses are STILL blooming. Cracks me up! This is the equivalent to December, for crying out loud. Michigan in December was a barren wasteland of gray. Gotta say, I'm enjoying this temperate climate muy mucho!
Have a wonderful week!
Love the new background. Sounds like your summer is pretty busy.
Wow! Thanks for that last paragraph. I was JUST outside contemplating about this full time job I took. Wondering if I bit off more then I could chew all at once and should have taken the offer at part time. Hmm, it seems like I need to spend time contemplating with God as to what HIS will is for me, rather then what I want or someone else wants.
Thanks for being God's tool and writing those words.
Thankful to be on this wonderful journey called "life" together with you.
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