It's Thankful Thursday again. Can you believe it? Another week has passed already. Crazy. So what is Thankful Thursday? I'm so glad you asked. It is the time each week that I list five things for which I am thankful. They can be silly or serious, big or small, because God honors them all. He tells us in is Word....."in everything give thanks."
1. I'm thankful for the promises of God.
2. I'm thankful for my family. We had such a wonderful time in Nashville this past weekend. It was great to catch up, be silly, and make memories.
3. I'm thankful for safe travel. My drive was only 3 1/2 hours compared to the 7 hours they drove from Charlotte. We all made it to and from our destinations without incident. Thank you, Lord.
4. I'm thankful for mini-vacations. It's not always possible to take week long vacations so getting away for a weekend is a treat.
5. I'm thankful for my wonderful husband. Yep, again (actually...still). :) He never fusses about my travels.
Those are the blessings I'm counting this week. What are the blessings you are counting today, This Day? I'm sure when you count them you will be able to see all that God has done. Please stop by Thankful Thursday's host, Sonya and join in....you'll be glad you did.
Peace and Joy,
Susan - Sounds like you had a fund mini-vacation and I am so happy that things went well in your travels.
Great list of thanksgiving and I love the scripture at the bottom!
Isn't it awesome that God has blessed us with such amazing life mates!! My hubby is the smiles in my day for sure.
In Him,
Hey there sis. Love your list and all the fun stuff you mentioned.
"I'm thankful for the promises of God." Amen to that too. Enjoy your day:)
Excellent list, as always :-) God is SO GOOD to provide us with husbands who are wonderful! I remember years ago when I was talking to two ladies in my church. One asked, "Is he for real? I mean is he always this nice in private too?" And I was surprised by the question. "Of course!" I said. They looked at each other and one commented, "Must be nice." And that made me so sad. And even more thankful for a great hubby.
Sounds like you had a fun little vacation.
I will still be blogging:), I am just going to try and make them short and sweet and only read a couple blogs a day that way I am not on here so much.
I want to visit Nashville. You had a great list as well.
Susan...Thank you for focusing my attention to Thankful Thursday...I really enjoy your list...I am glad you have so much fun on your trip and that it went without incident.
Tessa :)
just posted mine, too
great list
amen & amen!
my word verification was apsista..
a praying sista, pretty cute!!
I had a wedding in Chicago last weekend. I know just what you mean by how nice a short weekend getaway can be :) So happy you got one!
Did you travel by motorcycle? Glad you had some time to relax!
Wonderful list of blessings!
Hi Susan,
We love your site!!
Mark & Lynn
Love your blog design
I loved your list....and enjoyed your blog.
I am still finding my way around blogland....I always love making new friends..
I am posting about Disney so hope you will stop by. Commenting automatically puts you in the drawing for the June giveaway.
Beautiful post of gratitude. I am taking some time to unwind right now---I am on vacation...but not a peaceful one at this moment, although it has had wonderful peaceful moments too. Anyway, it was really wonderful to read this tonight.
Thanks for your kind comments on my photos :-) I wanted to let you know, after you'd already stopped by I finally managed to upload and post the 2-1/2 minute video of the kids dancing folklore that I mentioned a couple weeks ago. It's up now if you want to go back and look :-)
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