Was I feeling sorry for myself? Yep, pretty much. No cards, no letters, no phone calls, no birthday dinner......*BIG SIGH*....just me trying to lift my spirits with a thankful heart that our family and friends were safe. Yet, it was a miserable six full days with no power! No internet, no TV, no news, no music......minimal contact with the outside world. Oh how I missed my blogging friends.
But my God worked through others to bless me and show me just how important I am to Him. It started with receiving this wonderful award from Laurie at Supernatural Living.

Then, the same day, Kym at bee creative honored me with this One Lovely Blog award.

Thank you, ladies for thinking my blog is interesting, uplifting, and a blessing. Thank you, also for your kind and encouraging words.
Two days later, I win a signed copy of Her Captain's Heart by Lyn Cote from Mocha with Linda in her Mother's Day Giveaway. It arrived yesterday and I can't wait to crack the cover. Thank you, Linda!

And then (nope....not finished yet!) my dear blogging friend, Robin at All Things Heart and Home, had a tutorial and give away of these lovely anklets.

She announced the winners of this fab gift which I won...on my birthday! How great is that??!!?!?! Thank you Robin! I can't wait to start wearing it. If you are crafty like Robin, these would make great gifts or stocking stuffers. That's right, it's never to early to start thinking about Christmas.
It would not be until two days after my birthday that I actually found out about all these wonderful gifts and awards. I was happy to have power restored, but I was ecstatic to have been selected, remembered, and thought fondly of by my blog peeps.
That's how God works. Behind the scenes. When we are in need, our heavenly Father is there supplying that need. Do you have a need? Take it to the throne of grace today, This Day and see what amazing and wonderful things God has for you.
Peace and Joy,
James 3:17-18 (NIV) 17But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. 18Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness.
That is a long time to be without power but as you say, God was working behind the scenes on your behalf. Such wonderful surprises and awards you have received. Congrats and belated birthday wishes.
Makes me think of the scripture about restoring the years of the locusts. He restored the days of your black-out. Ha.
aww the picture with the eyes in the dark is so sad..sniff..sniff Sorry ya'll were without electricity for so long. I am thankful the lord provided you with many blessings following your birthday. Happy belated Birthday.
Thanks for the tip about the water on my blog, I will have to give that a try since me and water are not exactly best friends.
that is awesome! not about being without power (we did that last summer and it was hard) but how God just showered you with remembrances!!!
Happy belated Birthday!
Thanks for stopping by my blog linked from Chatty Kelly's!
I enjoyed reading your posts and will return.
Happy Belated Birthday! I've had birthdays others forgot and some I'd like to forget. LOL Didn't someone famous say that having birthdays beat the alternative? :-)
Congrats on all the well-deserved awards and special gifts!
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