This is the time each week where I list five things for which I am thankful. Silly or serious, big or small, God honors them all.
1. I'm thankful for my hubby. Yep, he's in the top five again this week. How can he not be? Seriously? He is so concerned about me and wanting me to be comfortable in the house we're renting. He spends hours on the internet searching the housing market to find us a house to buy. He's a blessing straight from God!
2. I'm thankful for being the BIG WINNER!!! What? You haven't heard??? Oh yes! Krystyn at Someday I'll Get There chose me for her first ever giveaway. Click HERE to read all about it and see all my goodies. Thank you, Krystyn.
3. I'm thankful for changing clothes trends. Wait.....what? Oh yes, remember a couple years ago or so when shorter/midriff length tops were the fashion. Thankfully, that trend has passed. Longer tops are in style. Y-A-Y!
4. I'm thankful to be back in church. With moving and my weekend class schedule, we missed a few Sundays. It's good to be fellowshipping and praising God in His house again.
5. I'm thankful that God's hand is on Josh and that he survived a horrific accident. No, I don't know Josh personally. He's related thru marriage to one of my dear blog peeps, Gigi. We've been praying for his complete and speedy recovery. Please join us.
That's my five. What are you thankful for today, This Day? How has God blessed your life? Your family? Your friends?
Peace and Joy,
"I'm thankful for changing clothes trends. Wait.....what? Oh yes, remember a couple years ago or so when shorter/midriff length tops were the fashion. Thankfully, that trend has passed. Longer tops are in style. Y-A-Y!" I am thankful for that, too. I did not know that. (I remember when it became "in" and I thought, boy where is this headed.) Great list sister. Also, I am passing on an award to you on my blog. Please don't feel you need to pass it on. Just know I appreciate you and your blog!
Husbands that are crafted by God to be our mate are definatly to be Thankful for! I am Thankful for your list today...God Bless You
#3 - YES, YES, YES!!! You cracked me up!
Love you list!
Wonderful Susan!!! I'm thankful for the sunshine here in the ATL it's been raining all week! :)
All Things Heart and Home
I'm with you on the clothing styles....Thank ya Jesus!!!
I am soo thankful for the trend change in clothes as well (not just for me, but for my 3 daughters as well - We have a tween who is always trying to stay fashionable - this has probably saved her life *grin)
Thanks for sharing your list. It is full of variety and thinks that could easily be overlooked. They are all blessings.
Happy and blessed TT.
And congrats with your gift....
Thank you for your comment on my blog! And I think your list is wonderful. And I like your one about clothing trends. ;)
Hi Susan,
Thank you for stopping by my blog today, for your kind comments and for your prayers. I appreciate it so much!
I hope the change in clothing trends filters down to young girls! I don't have any daughters, but I do have a teenage son and a preteen son. Also, I teach preschool, and I'm tired of seeing the tummys and bottoms hanging out!
I'm also thankful that the maxi dresses are in. That's so me!! They are modest and feminine..yay
God is so good! Thanking Him with you!
Blessings - Lisa
i, too, am thankful for the changing clothing trends but there are still some i wouldn't mind never seeing again. hehe! i've got a little somethin for you on my blog :)
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