Y-A-Y! It's Thankful Thursday. The time each week I stop to shout to the world God's blessings in my life. They can be serious or silly, big or small....God honors them all.
1. I'm so thankful for the free gift of salvation thru my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. With Christ, I have a future and hope. Thank You, Jesus for giving up Your life so I could live.
2. I'm thankful that this week I passed the three year mark since being diagnosed with breast cancer.
3. I'm thankful for a job that affords me flexibility in my work schedule so I can spend some much needed time with my wonderful husband. His day's off are Thursday and Friday and he works second shift.....so we don't spend much face time. This summer I'm permitted to work extended hours and take off every other Friday. Pretty sweet deal.
4. I'm thankful for food, clothing, shelter, transportation. I am so richly blessed.
5. I'm thankful for the upcoming weekend. I'm headed to Nashville to visit with family. A mini-vaca for us. It will be packed full in the short time allotted to us.
That's my five this week. Please leave me a comment and let me know what you're thankful for today, This Day. Be sure to stop over at TT's host, Sonya at Truth 4 the Journey and see what others are thankful for.
Peace and Joy,
Congratulations on hitting the 3 year mark. Have fun on you mini-vacation.
What a blessing on the 3 year with previous breast cancer. As well as the joy you must be having with having some extra time with your hubs on Friday's. Thank You Father.
What a great list!!! I am so thankful with you for that 3 year mark!!! I'll be thinking about you while you're in Nashville this weekend. I LOVE going to Nashville...well, actually, I love Tennessee in general!!!
Three years! WOW isn't God grand? I really enjoyed your post...Love the facelift on the blog...Sorry I haven't been around for a while. I really hope you enjoy your trip.
"Lord, Thank you for all of the blessings you have given to my friend. Please keep your guiding hand over her and her husband as they walk each and everyday. Watch over and guide their trip to Nashville...Go ahead and clear the way...go ahead and prepare the way. Please give your blessings to them daily. AMEN."
Way to go for hitting the three year mark! Your list is inspiring!
congrats on your 3-year
i hit my 10-yr on july 2 :)
I LOVE the mix of BIG things and small things.. Thankyou for sharing. And congratulations on your 3 year mark. A very dear friend of mine just hit the 5 year mark.. Much cause for celebrating!!
What blessings you have been given! Isn't God so good.
Continuing to pray for great health!
We also love flexible jobs and are thankful that for the past 21 years the Lord has provided just that.
Congrats on being cancer free for 3 years! Woohoo!
Love, love, love Tennessee! Have a wonderful time. My daddy was from TN and we loved going to visit him there after he retired "back home". He went to be with Jesus in 2000 and we've only made one trip there since then. He was from the McMinnville area. Familiar with it?
Oh, and Jubisista is a word Scoots started using to describe those of us who hit the big 5-0 on our last birthday :-) It's our Year of Jubilee!
Yeah! God is so good! Have a safe trip and a wonderful time. :)
Great list! What a fun weekend you have coming up as well as your select Fridays with your husband. SO happy you reached your 3 year mark. What a blessing :)
Great list and congrats on your 3 year mark!! What a blessing!!
I enjoyed reading about your blessings:)
Happy TT!
Linda C
What a wonderful list! Have a safe and fun trip to Nashville!
Yea!!! three year mark!!! Awesome! Wonderfully blessed. Congrats! God Is Good.
I've done Nashville before but it's been years. We had a blast.
Hope your trip was amazing!
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