This is the day each week that I join Sonya at Truth 4 the Journey in giving thanks for my many blessings. They can be silly or serious, big or small because God honors them all.
1. Thank you, God, for my wonderful husband. He always lifts my spirits now matter what the situation. He has a wonderful sense of humor....tho sometimes a little warped. Ok....a lot warped. But that's one of the things I love about him. Like teaching the grand-boy to make up silly songs.
2. Thank you Lord.....the semester is almost over. I'll be finished Saturday. Woooohoooo!
3. Thank you Lord that next semester is my last and I will finally graduate. I couldn't have gotten this far with out Your help.
4. Thank you, God, that the internship proposal was accepted and my boss is flexible with my work schedule to allow me to complete this degree requirement.
5. Praise you, Lord, for this glorious Christmas season. It's an honor and a privilege to celebrate the birth of your dear Son.
What are you thankful for today, This Day? Please leave me a comment and be sure to hop on over to Sonya's to link up and join in.
Peace and Joy,
Good Morning friend, Another great thankful post. Congrats on being through with the semester Sat.
I, too, am thankful for the Christmas season and for answered prayer this week. What sometimes seems impossible, God can work out the details. Blessings to you Susan.
Yay! Last semester!
What a 'cup runneth over' list!!
Praising God with you!
How cool, that you have one semester left! I have a precious close friend that has one semester left as well; she is in her late 20's, a wife and a mother of a 1st grader, and....she works two jobs. Amanda is in the nursing program and I honestly don't know how she has done it this past four years, other than GOD and determination.
Way to go Susan!!! Praying that your last semester goes smoothly and is rich/rewarding.
Hooray for Nos. 3 and 4!!!
I am thankful for my children who seem to keep the child in me alive. :)
How exciting to be so close to the end of your schooling, and an internship! Congrats!!
And Praise Jesus!
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