It's Thankful Thursday!!! This is the day each week that I join Sonya at Truth 4 the Journey and list five things that I'm thankful for. They can be serious or silly, big or small because God honors them all. Here's my list for this week:
1. I'm thankful for my wonderful husband. He has worked endless hours on the small details to make our house a home.
2. I'm grateful for my abnormally normal family. Sometimes we're the Griswolds and sometimes we're the Waltons. Well, maybe not to that extreme, but you know exactly what I'm talking about. Don't you?
3. I'm thankful for the gift of Jesus. He came. Thank you, Lord.
4. I'm thankful for Christmas break. I get seven work days off. Pretty sweet!
5. I'm thankful for a safe, fun, and educational trip to Las Vegas. It was a great networking conference full of so much information that it will take me months to get through it all. There was also time for fun and relaxation. Oh yeah....and the food!
Please leave me a comment and tell me what you're thankful for today, This Day. If you'd like to join in, post your own list then hop on over to Sonya's and link up.
May the love and joy of Christ shine through you that others may know Him. Merry Christmas to all.
Peace and Joy,
Good morning Susan. I am not sure which family to compare mine too. I would lean toward the Griswalds if I had the choices that you gave. I am thankful for my spouse as well.
awesome list. and that Las Vegas trip sounds great.
I'm thankful for my many blessings especially for my knowledge that we have a Savior and that he came as a new born babe.
That he sacrificed His life for us all that we might have eternal life.
Merry Christmas to you and your's.
Great list Susan...LOVE number 2....we watched the Griswolds the other night in fact!!
I am thankful god thought everyting thru and already has a plan for our future.
Great list Susan. Thank you for sharing it with us. I too look forward to Sonya's TT's.
Merry CHRISTmas!
Great list Susan! I am so thankful for the gift of love that Jesus brings! How can anyone ever live without Him?
Enjoy your Christmas time off!!
I am thankful for the many faithful Christians who encourage me by their attitudes and actions. You are one of those people, Susan. Merry CHRISTmas!
Love you blog. Very cute. I like your list. My daughter will be out of school for two weeks, so I am looking forward to that. I am now following you. Come visit my blog.
Happy weekend! I'm a little late but I'm visiting over from Sonja's TT. Loved your list, and yes, my family is AlWAYS the Griswolds, LOL!
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