Question #1: What was the single best thing that happened this past year?
The grand-boy: I went from being 9 to turning 10. Yep. The best thing that happened to me was turning 10.
Me: Really? Out of everything that happened this past year, turning 10 was the best thing?
The grand-boy: Yeah! Double digits!
Me: You are so a ten year old boy. We both laugh.
I can't even compete with that kind of answer. But for me it was when the hubs traded in that white bike (it's a long sordid tale) for his shiny new black one.
Question #2: What were the best books you read this year?
Me: Outside of reading the Bible everything I read was either work or photography related. I vaguely remember reading a book earlier in the year, but can't recall it's name or what it was about. Guess it wasn't that great.
The grand-boy: War Horse. I'm reading it now, and I really like it. But there was a book at the book fair I wanted and didn't get. Pearl Harbor. I'm going to read that one next.
Question #3: What was your biggest single time waster in your life this past year?
The grand-boy: TV
Me: TV
Question #4: What was an unexpected joy this past year?
Me: Our vacation time together. (Which, by the way, I have not forgotten about. I still have pictures to post from that excursion.)
The grand-boy: My step-dad getting to come home for Christmas. (Background: The SD is working at a construction site out of state.)
Question #5: What was the biggest thing you learned this past year?
The grand-boy: That you could use math to figure out how many miles you had gone on the number of gallons in your car. I knew how to do it. I just didn't know you could use it for that.
Me: Did you know you can use that same math skill to figure out how long it will take you to get some where?
The grand-boy: Really? No I didn't. I'm going to try that.
We both laugh.
Me: That God gives each of us gifts and talents. It's up to us to study and learn how to hone those gifts and talents so we can use them to be a gift to others.
Questions #6: What was an unexpected obstacle?
Me: The learning curve on Photoshop. (He gave me a very puzzled look, so I explained.) It has always been easy for me to learn new software. But Photoshop? There is so much it can do. It is overwhelming at times. I haven't been able to understand it as quickly as I thought I would.
The grand-boy: Being able to read a map and get us to where we were supposed to be. We took a wrong turn and I couldn't figure out how to get us back on the right road.
That was our looking back. We also decided to look ahead to 2012 with the same questions. I promise this is shorter.
For question #1 the grand-boy decided that the best thing that could happen to him in 2012 is that he would turn 13. Since that is not even possible he would settle for not getting out at dodge ball. Again, we both laugh. I have a debt I want to pay off.
We both agreed on less TV and more reading.
If we could have one thing that would bring us unexpected joy, what would it be?
The grand-boy: A new house with a new bedroom. (This is such a sad thing. It's a whole post and prayer request in itself.)
Me: Tickets to Europe.
That's our reflection on 2011 and some goals for 2012. What about you? Did you have something that brought you unexpected joy? What are you looking forward to in 2012? Just give me a shout-out.
I want to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you who stop by my little spot. Your comments, encouragement, and friendship blesses me more than you know. May 2012 be prosperous, healthful, and adventurous for you.
Peace and Joy,
I am impressed with how smart your grandboy is! He has a good heart. It warmed my heart to know you were able to have a deep conversation with him. xoxo Happy New Year!
What an insightful post. It's great to hear how a young boy sees the world, compared to how we see things. That was an interesting conversation. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Happy New Year, Susan!
Smiles at the grandboy's answers! I love to hear about a child enjoying to read!
This was sweet : ) Happy New Year and I hope you both find your unexpected joys this year!
I quite enjoyed reading both of your answers to your questions - and think it's so sweet that you had that time together! TV took up too much of my time this year also and tickets to Europe - I dream of that! Happy New Year Susan!
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